Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Snow . . .

Our weather forecaster has said the “S” word – snow.

There's a small chance we'll have some before Thanksgiving.

I went out this afternoon – it was still warm and a little windy – and dug out some of the vine-y plants from the summer pots, then repotted them for the house. The closer winter gets, the more I want to hang on to the greens of summer!

This year we brought in two pots of basil; they release their fragrance when the sun warms them in the window. The rosemary and lemon thyme smell good when I brush by them.

What a difference fragrance makes! When the house has been shut up for awhile it smells stale, somehow. But having fresh green plants sitting around freshens the air, scents it with a touch of summer.

It's easy to understand why people used to build orangeries. We visited one in Kansas City this summer; it wasn't large but the ceiling was tall enough to allow large plants. Walking in was an adventure in beauty. The plants were a symphony of green, varied in texture; the fragrances tickled our noses with delight. Visitors were invited to touch some of the plants, adding a dimension of pleasure.

We don't have an orangerie in our house, but we do have generously sized windows that allow us to have green plants through the winter.

When the snow flurries, it's nice to watch it through our living room garden.

It's one more thing for our Thanksgiving list!

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